St Georges Church of England Academy

St George's
Church of England Academy

6.9.24 1G have made a brilliant start to their journey in Year 1.

 The children have invented class rules and are learning the new routines in Key Stage 1. They are learning to work well with a partner, as part of a team and are developing their fine motor skills.

Well done everyone!




Welcome back to the new year. We are excited for the fun ahead. 

Miss Ward and Mrs Bentley

homework year 1 autumn 1.pdf


curriculum newsletter autumn term.pdf



11.7.24 The Completed Mural!

Grimesz has worked hard incorporating many of the designs he collected around school into his amazing mural in our sensory garden. As part of our art exhibition, the mural was unveiled, accompanied by the delightful drawings by our children.

On closer inspection, I noticed many of the ideas had been inspired by images produced in 1G!!! Well done, your ideas will be a lasting legacy to Arts Week 2024!



11.7.24 Art Exhibition

Many of the landscapes produced by 1G were on show in the main hall at the annual art exhibition. Many adults commented on the maturity of the painting skills shown by the Year 1 children. Well done everyone!




20.6.24 Landscapes

As part of Arts Week 1G have been making connections with local landscapes. Working from photographs, many taken by the children, they studied the background, middle ground and fore ground of familiar places.


Charlotte from The Northern School of Art worked with the children to create paintings of the same landscapes. The children observed colours closely, mixing them well. Can you recognise any of our favourite places?


19.6.24  Grimesz

Yesterday the children worked with an artist Grimesz to help him create a design for a mural in our garden area.  The children created lots of lovely designs and we can't wait to see the finished product.



18.6.24  Arts Week

Wow! what a lot of fun we have had so far this week!  The children have taken part in lots of activities celebrating the arts.  

They explored greetings and emotions through Drama, creating their own sequences with a partner and then performing them.



The children also used the music from Vivaldi's Four Seasons to create a dance showing how tree changes through the seasons.


The children also had the first in a series of drumming lessons which they thoroughly enjoyed and so did I!  



13.6.24 "Money, Money, Money!" 

This week in Maths 1G have been recognising coins and notes and have been learning to compare values. They were able to add 1p, 2p and 5p coins and investigated how many different ways they can make 10p. They also applied their prior knowledge of counting in 2s and 5s to add groups of coins.

Keep practising counting coins and adding amounts at home!

Well done 1G!




7.6.24 Summer Term Homework

Please click on the link below to access a digital version of the final homework tasks of the year. Homework books need to be returned to school by 3.7.24. Many Thanks,

Mrs Bentley and Mrs Firman.

Summer Term Homework 2

3.6.24 Science - Signs of Summer

Today we went on a walk outside to spot any signs that summer has begun and look at the changes that have happened since Spring.

We used our senses to listen, see, feel and smell.  The children were very excited to find a caterpillar that looked like it was about to go into it's chrysalis stage.  We saw lots of flowers and insects and heard birds tweeting and the wind rustling through the many leaves that are now on the trees.  






25.5.24 Design & Technology Sliders and Levers

Continuing with our work on mechanisms, 1G first used a Gingerbread Man template to insert  moving characters on sliders. Once confident, they worked in groups to create scenes and characters from their Rainbow Creature stories. Well done everybody, you created some very colourful, imaginative and entertaining characters and scenes!





17.5.24 Position & Direction : Maths

               Aerial Views & Maps : Geography

1G have been learning a lot of transferable skills this week in both Maths and Geography! They have been practising distinguishing "Left" from "Right" by playing "Simon Says", doing "The Okey Cokey" and programming Beebots.


They then travelled East, or right, from Middleton St George, following the railway line all the way to Saltburn, with the help of Google Earth! They looked at  an aerial photograph to find human and physical features at the seaside and then compared the photograph with a map. 


Well done everyone! Keep practising your left and your right!


9.5.24 Design &  Technology: Evaluating Books with Moving Parts

To start our topic on mechanisms 1G have enjoyed exploring a range of books with mechanisms. They worked in groups to explore the different ways illustrations and diagrams can move to entertain and enhance learning. This is an exciting beginning to a project in which the children will create their own picture with moving parts to entertain and/or inform others. You looked very carefully and had some thoughtful ideas 1G, well done!




2.5.24 Halving

In Maths this week 1G have been finding out all about halving and how it relates to counting in 2s and doubles. They have halved objects, shapes and groups of objects. Well done everyone!



26.4.24 Classical Creativity

1G have been listening to some different pieces of classical music this week and have responded in very creative ways. They listened to Andre Bocelli's version of  Franz Schubert's "Ave Maria" and Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings". First they responded through Art, drawing what they felt like while listening to the pieces. Then they used movement and Dance to express themselves. The children gave some very mature responses ranging from, "I drew waves to show the way the music moved," to "I drew a sunset on a beautiful beach" and finally, "I didn't draw anything, I was so calm and relaxed by the music, I wanted to enjoy the peaceful moment." 

All children responded sensitively and uniquely. Well done 1G!



19.4.24 A Letter in the Post for 1G!

1G were excited to receive a letter  addressed to them through the post!

It was a Thank You card from Mrs Suggitt, who Year 1 interviewed before Easter about her school days 70 years ago!

She was so impressed by the searching questions they asked her and found it amusing that some children would prefer to go back in time and be at school in the 1950s!

 Thank you Mrs Suggitt, it was so kind of you!


16.4.24 Welcome Back!

We hope you had a lovely Easter break. Please find below the links to our Summer Term curriculum Topic Grid and Summer 1 Homework Grid.

Please try to complete at least 3 tasks on the homework grid, practical work can be photographed and sent to Class Dojo if you wish. Homework books need to be handed back into school by Monday 3rd June.

We are looking forward to learning more about the seaside!

Many thanks,

Mrs Bentley and Mrs Firman.

Y1 Summer Term Topic Web

Y1 Homework Summer 1


28.3.24 Trip to Preston Park

1G have had a great trip to Preston Park today. First we did a toy workshop, we looked at toys from the past and made a "butterfly in the jar" illusion game.

Then we went into Butterfly World. We learnt about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly and saw some amazing creatures.

Then we had lunch. After lunch we had a look around the old artefacts and Victorian Street in the museum. We had a great day and the children set an excellent example of behaviour. We are very proud of you all, well done!







22.3.24 Easter Labyrinth

To explore the tricky themes and wide range of emotions felt  in The Easter Story, Year 1 took part in a series of sensory experiences.

Palm Sunday involved imagining they were greeting Jesus. Everyone wrote a positive message on a palm leaf and chanted as they waved it.

The Last Supper: goblets of "red wine" (vinegar) were left for children to smell and imagine the unhappy feelings felt by Jesus' disciples. The children drew a colourful picture on a goblet shape to cheer up someone who was feeling unhappy.

Jesus' Betrayal : the children cleansed their hands using sanitiser to symbolise forgiving others.

Good Friday: the children held a nail in their hand and said a prayer for someone who was ill or in pain.

Easter Sunday: the children looked outdoors and indoors for signs of new life. Working with a partner they created a model using playdough to symbolise hope.

Following in Jesus' Footsteps: Learning from Jesus' message the children thought of how they could follow in His footsteps.

The children have clearly embedded lots of ideas already discussed in RE lessons in relation to Easter. They had lots of brilliant, thoughtful and mature ideas which were inspired by sensory experiences. "Be kind", "Don't hurt", "Forgive others" and "Treat people as you want to be treated yourself".

Well done everyone!



15.3.24 Volume and Capacity

This week 1G have been having fun filling and emptying different containers to help understand the concepts of volume and capacity. 

They learned that we measure liquids in Litres, centilitres and millilitres. The children applied their number pattern knowledge with their Talking Partners to solve some tricky problems too.

"If 1 tank takes 5 litres to fill, how many litres fill 2 tanks? 3 Tanks?" It was hard work but 1G persevered! Well done everyone!



7.3.24 Happy World Book Day!

Today 1G celebrated World Book Day by sharing favourite books and characters. Many children dressed up for the occasion and took part in reading related activities. The children drew themselves in role as a character, shared favourite authors and were read to by some older children. 

Inspired by our History of Toys lessons our children became toymakers and created their own versions of cup and ball games. Their colourful designs included favourite story characters too. 

What a busy and productive day! Well done 1G!







1.3.24 Signs of Spring

1G's scientists and theologians were busy this week searching for signs of Spring. Spring is an extremely important part of the Christian calendar as it symbolises new life. The children had to observe very closely, but they did find some of the tiniest samples of new life in the form of buds, shoots, catkins and early Spring flowers. We are looking forward to finding more signs of Spring as they gradually appear over the next few weeks! Well done everyone!



26.2.24 Spring 2 Homework

Hello everyone, we hope you all had a lovely half term break. 

A warm welcome to Mrs Firman who is looking forward to teaching 1G at the beginning of every week until the end of the Summer Term.

Here is Spring 2 Homework grid, it will be sent home in homework books this week and also will be posted on Class Dojo.

Remember to complete at least 3 tasks. Don't forget that you can send in photos of any practical tasks on paper or via Class Dojo.

Please complete your tasks by Monday 22nd April.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bentley & Mrs Firman.

Spring 2 Homework



15.2.24 Materials Investigation

Today 1G were scientists and investigated which material would be suitable to build a house; straw, sticks or bricks.

Working as a class team they created a fair test using the same sized pieces of material, the same distance from the material and the "wind source" (hairdryer). The "wind source" was kept at the same setting each time.

Using a stop watch they measured the number of seconds it took for the material to blow away.



 The results showed that the straw blew away the fastest, the stick lasted a bit longer but the brick did not move at all, even after 35 seconds!

We concluded, like The Three Little Pigs, that brick was the strongest material and the best material to build a house with.

Super scientific work 1G!

15.2.24  A Fond Farewell

Yesterday we said a fond farewell to Mrs Barker who has worked at St. George's for 18 years. She has been a fantastic teacher and a great friend to us all. Thank you for all of your enthusiasm, help and care over the years, we'll all miss you so much! xxxx


9.2.24 PC Story and a Big Bad Wolf?

PC Story came to visit 1G this week, asking for help. A terrible character has been terrorising Story Land, threatening pigs and damaging property. WANTED posters were created and the prime suspect, "The Big Bad Wolf" was captured!

PC Story then asked the children to help interview the culprit with some searching questions.

The "Big Bad Wolf" answered their questions, but was he telling the truth?


8.2.24 Programming Bee-Bots

This week 1G have been extending their knowledge of simple code by instructing the Bee-bots to go forwards, backwards and turn. Everyone was fantastic at remembering to cancel previous instructions and worked hard on problem solving alternative routes. Well done 1G, computer programmers of the future!



2.2.24 Measuring Length using Standard Units

1G have progressed from non-standard units to standard units of centimetres (cm) to measure length. Using a ruler they had to carefully line up the objects and read the correct number, remembering to start at 0cm. A super try everyone, keep practising your measuring at home!



1.2.24 National Story Telling Week

To celebrate National Story Telling Week 1G became imaginative story tellers. They created their own magic doors and portals that led the audience into imaginative worlds.

Magic gates led to wild jungles, huge scary doors led to enchanted castles, multi-coloured portals led to Sweety Land, the list goes on and on......................

Exciting stories were generated using 3 objects too!

1G really opened their minds to an infinity of possibilities using their fertile imaginations! Well done everyone, you were "Out of this world!!!!".





26.1.24 "The Three Little Pigs"

This week 1G have been listening to and retelling "The Three Little Pigs" traditional tale. They have practised using expression for different characters, made masks and performed their shows for an audience. Well done everyone, your shows were very entertaining!



 25.1.24 Maths Measuring Length

This week 1G have been comparing the length of objects, using "longer than" and "shorter than". They have also been learning how to measure using non-standard units. The children discovered that the unit of measure needs to be the same and they shouldn't leave gaps between the equal units of measure. We had fun measuring each other too!




 19.1.24 History Skills : Sources of Evidence

"PC Story" came to visit 1G with two bags of evidence, the identity of the owners of the belongings was a mystery! Using the sources provided and their clever skills of elimination, 1G tried to discover who the items belonged to.


 The first bag included a spoon, a bowl, some porridge oats, a "Goldilocks" book and a note stating, "My chair is broce!" Each source was inspected and the clues pointed towards, Goldilocks, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear or Baby Bear. The final clue, the note was the essential piece of evidence, it was Baby Bear!

The second bag included an Italian dictionary, some pasta, a dog treat, a green pen and a photograph. "The pasta could belong to a chef," was one guess. "Someone who has a dog?" "The photo is Mrs Bentley's dog." So the photograph and the green pen were the most important sources.

"PC Story" was impressed with your detective skills! Well done 1G!


11.1.24 Bee-Bots!

1G was invaded by a group of strange electronic bee robots this afternoon! The Bee-Bots  had arrived to allow the children to learn about  early computer coding. The children really enjoyed exploring  switches and command buttons, as well as giving each other directions too. Well done!




5.1.24 Self-Portraits

1G created their second self-portraits this year for assessment. Every child has made progress in their observational drawing skills. They enjoyed looking back at their previous work and could comment on how their work had improved. Well done 1G!




4.1.24 Special Delivery!!!

1G were welcomed back to school with a special delivery! A letter addressed to 1G, but who was it from?

It was from Santa! Amazingly he had taken the time to write to 1G, when he should have been resting!

Santa asked lots of questions in his letter, which we were able to answer on big paper, before planning our letters to send back to the man himself.



Happy New Year Everyone!

Please find attached the new Curriculum News Letter and Homework Grid .

Please complete at least 3 homework tasks and return it by Monday 12th February.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bentley & Mrs Barker

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 
Homework Spring 1



14.12.23 Scientists at Work!

1G worked in pairs today to work out true and false facts about frogs, before learning more about amphibians. They were able to sort amphibians from non-amphibians and learnt about brightly coloured, poisonous frogs and newts. Finally they labelled the parts of a toad.

Well done everyone!




1.12.23 Young Philosophers at Work

Over the past few weeks 1G have been reading "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark" By Jill Thomlinson. Using their previous knowledge of owls and their behaviour, 1G were curious to learn about Plop's dilemma, being a nocturnal creature who is frightened of night time. 

The children discussed then listed positive and negative points about the dark in preparation for a "Philosophy for Children" (P4C) lesson. In the session the children unpicked the themes explored by Thomlinson in her book such as; Darkness, Light, Love, Family, Opposites, Fear and Kindness.

Two themes were voted for by the children to debate in the question,

"Although Plop is the opposite to how owls are expected to behave should his mummy and daddy still love him?"

Many ideas were debated in a lively discussion. The children then voted with their feet by positioning themselves on a "for" and "against" line. Some of our young philosophers could see both sides of the argument and remained in the middle.

Well done to all of our young philosophers!

24.11.23 Sorting Mammals

In Science this week, 1G have been learning the characteristics of mammals and have sorted them in different ways. Some children sorted them by habitat, land and water, other children sorted them according to their suitability as a pet! There was a lot of discussion about wild and domestic animals as we discovered some cats, dogs and rabbits live in the wild, while others make amazing cuddly pets!



17.11.23 2D and 3D Shape

Over the past few weeks 1G have been learning the names and properties of common regular 2D and 3D shapes. Through a range practical activities they have explored the number of faces, edges and vertices and whether they can roll, slide or be stacked. Some of the activities were quite challenging, but 1G persevered! Well done everyone!




10.11.23 Barn Owls

This week 1G have been reading about and researching Barn Owls. They have used their reading and comprehension skills, as well as scientific diagram drawing skills to create informative reports and posters all about these fascinating creatures. Working individually and in pairs the children have proved themselves expert ornithologists! Well done!







Please find below the homework grid for Autumn Term 2

Homework Year 1 Autumn Term 2


25-27.10.23 "Perfect Porridge"

Following in Goldilocks' footsteps, 1G made and tasted plain porridge, before creatively inventing improved healthy options.

1G sorted healthy foods to enhance the flavour of the breakfast favourite, which informed their individual designs for "Perfect Porridge".

The children then safely and hygienically prepared the fruit, by cutting it themselves. Following their designs, the children assembled their ingredients then tasted and evaluated their end products.

Master Chefs in the making!!




19.10.23 Go Well PE Project

IG have enjoyed working with Megan from Go Well on developing fundamental movement skills. Through a variety of team games and activities 1G have developed skills of resilience, team work, balance, throwing and catching. Thank you Megan for your support over the past half term!



11.10.23 Searching for Signs of Autumn

In Science today 1G searched the school grounds looking for signs of Autumn. They found lots of leaves on the ground in a variety of colours. There were many berries on the bushes too. There weren't any conkers or acorns and we discussed why we didn't find any. Well done everyone!




5.10.23 Observing Autumn Treasures

1G looked very closely at the different leaves, seeds and berries found in the environment that displayed signs of Autumn. Using pencil, crayons, chalk, charcoal and pastels, they explored line, colour, shape and texture.



29.9.23 Healthy Heart Day

1G celebrated Healthy Heart Day through exercising and creating designs for a poster. They were able to describe what was needed to maintain a healthy heart, such as drinking water, eating fruit and vegetables and exercising in many ways.



1G Artists at Work!

1G Have been exploring the different lines and marks that can be made using chalk and charcoal. They experimented again with drawing themselves. Well done!



1G Super Scientists at work!

This afternoon 1G went outside to explore the school environment. They looked for many natural forms and living things in a scavenger hunt! They answered questions, such as;  "Why did we see lots of leaves but not many birds?" "Where do you think the worms were?" 1G came up with lots of sensible ideas. Well done!




A Fantastic First Week in 1G!

The children have settled in well to Year 1 and have been learning the new rules and routines, as well as practising counting and reading. Each child produced a self-portrait in their new sketchbooks.

Well done everyone!





Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to working with you all this year. 

Please find below our Curriculum Newsletter and Homework for the first half term.

 Autumn 2023 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1 2023 Homework Grid







Summer Term

Homework Summer Term 2 

Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Summer Term Homework

14.7.23 1G Monster Mash!

The children have been very imaginative, creating their own monsters and writing fantastic monster descriptions. Well done everyone!




1G's trip to Kirkleatham Museum 

First we met Mr Pease who told us about the history of the first passenger railway. We then met Mrs Pease who showed us what people wore to go to the beach in Victorian times. They wore lots of layers!

We looked at many artefacts and enjoyed making shell pictures. 


19.6.23-23.6.23 Arts Week

During Arts Week 1G took part in a range of activities based around the theme of "Identity". They worked with students from The Northern School of Art on 2D and 3D  art activities, as well as participating in a multi-sensory theatre performance and Drama workshop. They explored portraiture in pencil, chalk and charcoal and through colour-mixing in paint. The work produced is fantastic and we look forward to displaying it in the hall for an exhibition in the near future. Thank you to Jayne Hemmins, Katy Weir and all of the students from The Northern School of Art and well done 1G! 




16.6.23 Two Digit Numbers

1G Have been looking at bigger numbers this week. To practise partitioning and recognising 2 digit numbers, we have been using number fans, Dienes equipment and we have played Snakes and Ladders.

Excellent number recognition to 100 1G! Well done!



 25.5.23 Science Sensory Carousel

Today 1G explored the Five Senses in lots of different ways. The observed optical illusions, played musical instruments, used a "Feely Box", tasted different drinks and smelled some mystery smells!



 18.5.23 Philosophy for Children

Today 1G used their thinking skills to identify themes in the parable "The Lost Son". Themes included love, forgiveness, jealousy, sadness, happiness, belief and loneliness.

They helped to create a question for debate, "Do the people we love always make us happy?" There were lots of ideas discussed and very thoughtful, mature reflections. Well done young philosophers!


5.5.23 A Creative Collaboration for the Coronation

Year 1 have worked together to create a collaborative Coronation Wreath to commemorate the impeding coronation of King Charles III. Each child decorated a strip of fabric with a royal design that was attached to the wreath. Well done everyone!



28.4.23 Observational Drawing of Natural Forms

Linking with our Geography topic The Seaside we have being looking closely at rocks, shells and fossils that can be found at the beach. We practised our skills of observation, finding interesting patterns and textures and describing them in pencil using different marks.



21.4.23 Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Our new topic is "Oh We Do Like to be Beside the Seaside!"

You will be receiving your new homework grids today and the topic grid is on Class 1G Dojo.

This week in Maths we have  been beginning to learn about multiplication and the 2 X table. 1G have counted, danced and played games to embed this important pattern! Please keep practising at home!


31.3.23 Line, Pattern , Texture

All of this term's Art work on drawing and printing has come to fruition in our corridor display. Line, Pattern and Texture have been explored in a variety of media. Well done everyone!

24.3.23 Bowes Museum Visit

Today 1G and all of Key Stage 1 went on their first full day trip out to The Bowes Museum. Many children had never travelled on a bus or a coach before and it had been a long time since the teachers and teaching assistants had ventured out of school on a visit!


We saw many of the wonderful treasures collected by Josephine and John Bowes including some very famous paintings of Venice by Canaletto!


1G used their drawing and observational skills to show details they found in the paintings.


 Next we saw the beautiful Silver Swan, but unfortunately it wasn't working!


After that, we went into a very special exhibition space called "Modern Makers".

Some of the children's art work was on display there! It was a proud moment to see the name of our school on the wall and our work hanging in a public gallery!


After lunch we learned more about the History of Toys. We found out what materials dolls and teddies used to be made from. Some dolls were made from wax and real hair!!!


We then used a range of materials to create our own miniature dolls.


Then it was time to go back to school on the coach.

It was a fantastic day!

All of the teachers, teaching assistants and adult helpers were extremely impressed by the behaviour, good manners and enthusiasm shown by all of the children. Thank you to all of our adult helpers and a huge thank you to all of the children! Well done 1G and all of Key Stage 1!

17.3.23 Printing!

               Over the past week 1G have been learning printing techniques to create

               their collagraphs. It was tricky and messy, but worth it! Well done




Creating Collagraphs

1G had great fun selecting textures and creating patterns found in materials to create their Collagraphs today. This is step 1 in the process, watch this space for the printing process!



What was life like when you were a child? 

That's the question we asked our visitor today. Barbara lives at Middleton Hall and came to tell us all about her childhood. 

We were fascinated by the stories of her life as a child during the war. She told us about the toys she played with and what school was like for her. We asked questions and found out lots of interesting information. 

We would like to say a big thank you to Barbara. 


2.3.23 World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, 1G shared their favourite stories, dressed up as characters, read Revolting Rhymes and designed disgusting dinners.

Amazing alliteration allowed us to let loose our love of literature in witty and wonderful ways!!




10.2.23 What a busy week we've had! We went on a village walk and observed lots of lines and patterns in the environment.

We've been printing and drawing to reproduce some of the patterns we found and others from the work of contemporary artist Minty Sainsbury.



To celebrate NSPCC Number Day the children wore numbers and went on a maths trail around school. They had great fun working out which teachers had got the right and wrong answers to the questions!


1G have been learning how to control a robot through using basic code. They can instruct the Beebots to move forward, backwards and to make simple turns. Well done 1G!


Spring Term

Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Spring Term 1 Homework

Autumn Term

Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn Term 1 Homework

Autumn Term 2 Homework

Our Village Walk 

On Monday 1G enjoyed a walk in our local area. We followed a route to the park and on the way we looked out for landmarks. We took photographs and used them to draw a map of our walk. 

Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust

St. George's Church of England Academy is a member of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust which is a company limited by guarantee (company number 10847279) and an exempt charity registered in England and Wales at The Cai Building Cable Dean Royal Quays North Shields Tyne and Wear NE29 6DE