Welcome to our Class page! Please find our curriculum newsletters and homework attached below:
Class of 2023
May in Class 5S -
We had a fantastic day on Friday 5th May celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III, we created some Andy Warhol style art with a side portrait of King Charles III as well as a few other arts and crafts activities. We sat down to watch a Newsround Special with our GB napkins and cups, and enjoyed some cake (and then another cupcake) and some party rings! We then went to the hall for a special service and proudly sang the National Anthem to mark the occasion.
Coronation Day - King Charles III - Class 5S
April in Class 5S -
We have had a very busy month in April (once coming back from the Easter Holidays). The children in Class 5S thoroughly enjoyed more 'Thrills and Skills' sessions with Chris. They even got to wear Camouflage and hide from Chris and Mr Mackenzie. They also got to complete a rescue mission and carry each other on stretchers. Class 5S also had a fantastic trip to the Jorvik Viking Centre in York and it was nice to see them enjoy themselves on a school trip after missing out on them in recent years. I hope you enjoy looking through the albums.
Jorvik School Trip - Class 5S
Thrills and Skills - OAA - Stretcher - Class 5S
Thrills and Skills - OAA - Camouflage - Class 5S
Thrills and Skills - OAA - Class 5S
March in Class 5S -
In March in Class 5S, we have celebrated World Book Day, with the children coming into school dressed as their favourite book characters. We also had a visit from Chris from 'Thrills and Skills' where the children are taking part in various outdoor adventurous activity over the next 5 weeks. The children absolutely loved it and it's a good job they brought in 'spare clothes' as it was a really muddy day! Class 5S are looking forward to the rest of the sessions with Chris (full album of photos to be uploaded). We also had a visit from Judo Dan and the children loved getting to take part in a taster Judo session led by Dan himself. Freya W came out overall winner, beating Simeon T in the finale!
Judo Dan - Class 5S
World Book Day - Class 5S
February in Class 5S - WB: 06:02:23
This week in Class 5S we have been loving our 'Video Production' topic in computing. We have been exploring filming techniques and different shots and angles using the camera. We have planned our own videos and used the learn pads to start to record our videos before then editing and reshooting some of them. We also had a visit from Laura Pickering who has started a new mental health programme called 'We Eat Elephants' which focuses on how to manage our emotions and help turn unhelpful thoughts into helpful thoughts. We look forward to working with Laura over the next 5 weeks. This week was also Safer Internet Day and Children's Mental Health Awareness Week.
February in Class 5S
January in Class 5S
It has been brilliant to be back at school after the Christmas break and get back into the swing of things. We can now start using our calendars for 2023, a lot of work went into the calendars and it was a long process with multiple prints of the luminated letters. The children were very proud of their work. In PE, we have moved on to our new unit of work which is Gymnastics. We have been practising balances and will be looking at travelling, as well as syncronisation and cannon in further lessons, leading up to performing a routine with apparatus. I was very impressed with the flexibility and technique! We have some budding gymnasts in Class 5S.
January in Class 5S
December in Class 5S
There has been lots going on in December in Class 5S with Christmas just around the corner. In Design & Technology, we have been cooking and made our very own Anglo-Saxon bread. We had to carefully weigh out the ingredients and follow the instructions. Using the ovens in class (with the help of Mrs Norris), we baked the bread and everyone got to taste it before going out for break. Suprisingly, it was quite nice and the children were even asking for more! We have also done lots of Art in December, focusing on illuminated letters, we did some printing and used the letters to make our 2023 calendars. We also enjoyed making Christmas Cards for our loved ones, which involved squeezing paint into a zip lock bag to cover the pasta with paint (less mess in my classroom) and then used the pasta to make a wreath, the cards looked really effective and we hope everyone liked them.
December in Class 5S
November in Class 5S
During November, we have enjoyed doing more Science Investigations and even had a visit from the Police as we started our training to become Mini-Police. In Science, we completed a dissolving investigation and tested lots of different materials. We had to observe the dissolving and report in our actual results table if the material was soluable or insoluable. We also did another investigation separating materials, which involved filtration, evaporation, sieving and magnetism. The PCSO's came in and started the delivery of the Mini-Police programme. The children had lots of interesting questions to ask them and enjoyed their visit. We look forward to more Mini Police lessons in the future.
November in Class 5S
October in Class 5S
In October, the children have been having lots of fun in Class 5S. The class were very excited to experience some Archery. Paul and Linda from Rock It came into school and the children really enjoyed getting to use a real bow and arrow! Courtney got the closest shot of the day, with her arrow right in the bullseye! Here are a few photos of the children in action. The children have also enjoyed doing some investigations in Science. This month we have completed a properties investigation where the children had to predict if different materials were magnetic, hard, transparent, flexible and permeable before testing this themselves.
October in Class 5S
September in Class 5S
This month has flown over and the children in Class 5S have settled into year 5 very well. We have had great fun this month, starting with French lessons with our new French teacher Mr Tinjod. We have enjoyed our PE lessons this term so far, focusing on moving forward with the ball and and our coding lessons in computing. We have also had 3 famous Class Dojo Champions so far this term. Well done to Joseph, Mia and Alex. Book of the week has gone to Freya, Mollie and Joseph and I am sure the rest of the children will get their chance if they continue working hard.
September in Class 5S