Careers Fair
Why do a careers fair? We want our children to:
- be inspired by what people do in both business and charity work
- become aware of the range of jobs available in life, including running your own business or working for companies and organisations
- begin to think about what they might like to do
- see how what we do in school prepares them for later on in life
What will it look like?
On day during the summer term our hall will be transformed into a careers fair! The children will be visiting the different stands, talking to the adults from the various business and organisations on show. Some stands will have practical demonstrations! The children will have a careers passport, with the chance to fill their passport with stamps and stickers as they visit the stalls.
The careers fair will then be a great opportunity to talk with adults in the world of work.
Careers Fair 2023
In July 2023, we ran our very first careers fair at St George's!
Throughout the morning, each year group was able to visit the hall where a number of various professions and vocations volunteered their time to talk to the children about their jobs.
We were supported by a variety of participants; from finance, emergency services, armed forces, construction and health agencies, who all inspired the children to think about possibilities for their future.
Miss Parkington would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who took part. Our visitors were amazed by our pupils, and sent messages complementing their wonderful behaviour, attitudes and excellent questioning skills.
Careers Fair 2024
We wanted to let you know, after the success of last year's Career Fair, we will be hosting another opportunity for local businesses and occupations to attend and share what they do with the children at St. George's.
We would like to open this up to as many different possible careers as possible and show the children all the different career path opportunities they have.
The event will be taking place Friday 12th July.
The fair will last all day but if you can only attend the morning or afternoon, we would still love for you to be a part of it.
To register your interest please email -
With the subject heading CAREERS FAIR
Please state your name, occupation and whether you will be attending all day, the morning or afternoon session.
More details and specifics will be shared closer to the time.
We look forward to hearing from you and organising another brilliant Careers Fair.
Thank you,
Miss Parkington