Our Intent at St George's
Reading is prioritised with dedicated time to share a diverse reading spine and to learn essential skills for reading. Introduced in Reception, the highly structured Sounds-Write synthetics phonics programme is an incremental and code-oriented approach to the teaching of early reading and spelling. Books are assigned to promote the practice of current literacy skills and to improve confidence with reading fluency. Once children are confidently reading phonetically decodable books and have covered the whole of the extended code, they are moved onto our school’s ‘Reading Progression’, which enables progress to be tracked, as well as ensuring our pupils are challenged. Our reciprocal comprehension sessions provide a structured approach to improve reading skills through the teaching of key questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting strategies. Embedding a culture of reading, provides opportunities to read both independently and aloud as well as allowing book talk and instilling a passion for storytelling, literature and vocabulary. Reading of quality literature is implicitly interwoven into our curriculum using key quality texts of varied genres and authors. This is enhanced by hosting multiple events, such as World Book Day and Sponsored Readathons.
Fostering a love of reading offers the opportunity to learn about and empathise with times, locations and cultures which are hugely different to our pupil’s own. Our new library provides regular access to a wide genre of text to support reading and enquiry learning. Through whole school events, we offer support for whole families to improve reading and literacy skills, and confidence around reading.
St Georges Church of England Academy - Reading and Phonics (stgeorges-darlington.co.uk)
St Georges Church of England Academy - Early Years Learning (stgeorges-darlington.co.uk)
Comprehension Long Term Plan (y1-6)