Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
"Everyone is a star and deserves a chance to sparkle."
Marilyn Monroe
“Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe, and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.”
-PSHE Association, 2016
PSHE continues to be a priority at St George’s. At the heart of St George’s is a strong commitment to love one another as we understand that many hearts make a school as we are held together in God’s love. It is through PSHE that we demonstrate a strong commitment to God’s love and ensuring children at St George’s flourish and develop into thoughtful, kind and resilient adults who value the important of faithfulness as the underpinning and backdrop for their relationships now and in the future. Using our Christian values, we seek to develop our children’s wisdom and skills using a moral framework based on virtues such as honesty, integrity, self-control, courage, humility, kindness, forgiveness, generosity and a sense of justice.
Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) enables pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed active and responsible citizens.
Pupils learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, as members of their communities. They will become more mature, independent and self- confident as they move through the school. They will learn about the wide world and the interdependence of communities within it. They develop their sense of moral responsibility and they learn how to make more confident and informed choices about their health.
Pupils at St George’s are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and wider community. They learn how society is organised and governed and they experience the process of democracy.
Our PSHE curriculum starts in Nursery and follows the children through to Year 6. We follow the PSHE Association as the basis for our planning and teaching and use 1Decision as an online resource to support our teaching. In Year 5 and Year 6, our children take part in a Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire. The results for this questionnaire helps us to tailor our PSHE curriculum to the needs of our children. We complement our PSHE curriculum by exploring and celebrating key events and national awareness days throughout the year such as Black History Month, Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Day, Red Card for Racism, Children’s Mental Awareness, and My Money Week
Our PSHE and RSHE approach evolves around the following themes:
- Families and Friendships
- Safe and Respectful Relationships
- Respecting Ourselves and Others
- Belonging to a Community
- Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
- Finance and Employment
- Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
- Growing and Changing
- Keeping Safe
What is RSHE?
From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education is compulsory in all primary schools in England. For primary aged children this includes curriculum content under two headings:
Relationships Education:
Relationships Education is designed to help children to have positive and safe relationships with family, friends and online. All primary schools are required by the government to teach Relationships Education and parents cannot withdraw children from this section of the curriculum. The areas this section of the curriculum cover are:
Families and people who care for me
- Caring Friendships
- Respectful Relationships
- Online Relationships
- Being Safe
Health Education:
Health Education will help children to make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues arise for themselves or others. The areas it will cover are:
- Mental wellbeing
- Internet Safety and Harms
- Physical Health and Fitness
- Health Eating
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
- Health and prevention
- Basic First Aid
- The Changing Adolescent Body
This DfE guidance clearly states the statutory requirements, i.e. what children MUST be taught by the end of primary school. Health Education includes learning about ‘the changing adolescent body’ to equip children to understand and cope with puberty. The National Curriculum for Science (also a compulsory subject), includes learning the correct names for the main external body parts, learning about the human body as it grows from birth to old age and reproduction in some plants and animals (which could include human beings). So, Relationships Education, Health Education and Science are compulsory subjects and parents/carers do NOT have the right to withdraw their children from these subjects.
Sex Education
Sex Education is designed to help children to:
- Understand and respect their bodies
- Develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development
- Support children to have positive self-esteem and body image
- Empower them to be safe and safeguarded.
At St George's, we have been delivering RSE within our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum for many years. We have reviewed our PSHE curriculum to make sure that our lessons meet the requirements that the government has set out for the content of Relationships and Health Education. The DfE recommends, ‘that all primary schools should have a Sex Education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupils.’ At St George's this is taught through our 1decision PSHE programme.
Our Statement of Intent for PSHE and RSHE
Our Policies for PSHE and RSHE
RSHE Consultation Letter - January 2024
Our Curriculum
At St George's we use 1-Decision to deliver our PSHE and RSHE Curriculums.
What is 1decision?
The 1decision resources have been developed over the past 9 years and were created by specialists working together with schools and most importantly children. The 1decision materials have received the Quality Mark from the PSHE Association, which means that our school community can be assured that they include the very best practice as part of a whole-school approach to keeping the children safe, happy and healthy.
The resource allow children to develop essential skills, knowledge and vocabulary to manage different influences and pressures in their lives to make safe and informed choices.
Why have we chosen to use this scheme at St George's?
Through our use of 1decision, we provide the children with the opportunity to explore the consequences of choices that are made and develop their knowledge around making informed and positive choices in their lives. Each unit provides the class with a video scenario where they can take control of the story and decide the ending. Not only do they get to decide the choices that are made by characters, they also get to see the consequences that could be faced if a different path was taken. This allows our children to confidently discuss and articulate the impacts that their decisions and the decisions of others may have in life.
The Programme is spilt into 9 units
- Keeping/Staying Safe
- Keeping and Staying Healthy
- Feelings and Emotions
- Computer Safety
- Growing and Changing
- Being Responsible
- The Working World
- A World without Judgements
- Fire Safety (Key Stage 1) and First Aid (Key Stage 2)
We also include 'Special Days' to supplement the children's learning, including: a termly focus on emotional well-being and mental health, Black History Month, Red Card for Racism, Red Nose Day, Anti-Bullying Week SRE Day and Safer Internet Day.
RSHE Schemes of Work Durham Diocese Learning Trust
PSHE and RSHE Long Term Plan 2024 - 2025
Parent / Carer Zone | 1decision
RSHE Letter - Year 5 Parents - Spring 2024
RSHE Letter - Year 6 Parents - Spring 2024
Including and Valuing ALL children
What does our PSHE/RSHE curriculum teach about LGBTQ relationships?
Including and Valuing ALL Children
Our Knowledge Organisers
Years 1 -3
Years 4 - 6
PSED and PSHE in the Early Years
Statement of Intent - PSED - EYFS
Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, cooperate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.
Through books, resources, group times and planned activities led we aim to:
● Inspire our children to try new things and accept new challenges.
● Provide our children with a sense of the wider community.
● How does the EYFS Curriculum lay the foundations for PSHE in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2?n to understand that we are unique but can have similarities and differences with others
and to promote and celebrate these.
● Encourage our children to be independent and confident in self-care.
● Promote healthy choices through mealtimes, cooking and physical activities.
● Teach our children the importance of identifying risks, and managing them appropriately and safely.
● Provide our children with the skills they need to become skillful communicators.
EYFS Statutory Educational Programme for Personal, Social and Emotional Development
PSED Progression Document - Nursery and Reception
1decision in EYFS
In reception, we have weekly PSHE lessons using the 1Decision scheme where as we use this scheme is Nursery to meet the social and emotional needs of the children using a planning in the moment approach.
We are using 1decision Early Years resources to meet the needs of Personal Social & Emotional Development in early years. The children will meet Blue Dilemma drops, Green Dilemma drops, Pink Dilemma drops, Purple Dilemma drops, Red Dilemma drops and Yellow Dilemma drops. Each of the Rainbow Drops face a range of dilemmas like feeling scared, learning to share, worry and adjusting to change, road safety, making friends, etc. Children will be involved in group discussions to share their ideas on how to help the Rainbow Drops. These group discussions will help children understand and develop their Personal, Social and Emotional needs.
We also have daily circle time to discuss anything that has happened that day to ensure children know they are in a safe and secure space where they can talk about how they feel and express their opinions.
PSHE and RSHE Long Term Plan EYFS - Year 6 (2024 - 2025)
How does the EYFS Curriculum lay the foundations for PSHE in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2?
Information for Parents - PSHE
As a parent/carer you are your child’s first educator and play a vital role in their personal and social development. Therefore, PSHE education should always be a partnership between schools and parents/carers.
As a parent or carer you will already have talked to your child about (or had to support them with) many of the topics and issues covered in PSHE education, so you may also wish to supplement this learning with further discussions of your own.
Sometimes PSHE education conversations with your child will arise incidentally, when you playing or cooking together, when you are watching television or films, or through news stories. In such cases we cannot always control the stimulus for the question or conversation, only how we manage it. Other times, you may wish to initiate a conversation about a topic you feel is important to approach.
Children ask questions, it a sign of a great learner. We want your child to gain accurate, age-appropriate information and feel these useful information leaflets and useful websites are helpful for you to use, at home, with your child to support the PSHE curriculum.
Body Image and Advertising - Parent Guide
The Children's Society - How to Support Your Childs Well-being-parent-guide.pdf
Talk PANTS & Join Pantosaurus - The Underwear Rule | NSPCC
Useful Websites
Parliament -
PSHE Association -
The School Run -
Childline -
NHS Livewell -
NHS Change4Life -
KidsHealth -
BBC Bitesize KS1 -
BBC Bitesize KS2 -
Redcross -
Thinkuknow -
RSHE Resources for Parents
Relationships and Health Education is a fundamental part of the Personal, Social, Health Education curriculum for pupils in our school. At St George's Church of England Academy, understanding the way in which relationships develop and grow over time from childhood through to adult relationships is part of a lifelong learning. We understand the importance of relationships and the values, qualities and responsibilities in friendships, families and loving relationships and how to develop an understanding of safety in the online environment. Our work promote and upholds our Christian Values of self-respect, confidence, respect and responsibility towards others, emphasising the important of marriage, loving relationships, safety, love and care. Please find below some information that you may find useful in supporting your child's learning in this area.
RSHE Information Leaflets published by DfE
RSE Primary School Guide for Parents
Frequently Asked Questions - RSHE
Leaflets, Letters and Presentations - St George's
Puberty Resources to Support Parents
Talking to Children About Relationships Years 5 and 6
Understanding RSHE for Parents - 1 Decision
RSHE Letter - Year 5 - Spring 2024
RSHE Letter - Year 6 - Spring 2024
Parent's Meeting Growing and Changing Unit
St George's Lending Library - RSHE Books
Say No to Bullying
Our Anti-bullying Philosophy
At St George's Church of England Academy, we believe that all pupils have the right to learn in a supportive, inclusive, safe and caring setting without the fear of bullying or harassment. The school aims to provide a happy environment where there is mutual respect, an emphasis on good manners and a school community that embraces individuality and celebrates those qualities that make us all unique. To this end, all members of the school community are encouraged to develop into responsible citizens.
Bullying is wrong and in recognition of this, we have robust measures in place, including a clear Anti-Bullying Policy and strategy on how to prevent, identify and respond to bullying behaviour, in all its forms.
How We Prevent Bullying
- Developing a PSHE curriculum using 1Decision throughout the school to teach children emotional literacy, social and lifelong skills, RSHE and resilience in an age-appropriate manner.
- Online Safety taught through the Computing and RSHE curriculum
- Involving the whole school community in writing and reviewing the policy.
- Circle time on bullying issues.
- Assemblies (whole school and key stage) at targeted times during the year and in response to arising issues.
- Raising awareness of Bullying for all stakeholders during initiatives such as Anti-Bullying Week.
- Raising awareness of Bullying through the website.
- Publishing useful links on the school website focusing on anti-bullying and how to deal with bullying effectively.
- Information leaflets
- Using drama activities and role play to help children become assertive in dealing with bullying situations.
- Promotion of a positive playground ethos using traditional games and challenges as a proactive strategy to anti-bullying.
- Everyone in the school community to model appropriate behaviour to each other.
- The use of restorative practices across the school to ensure empathetic proactive approaches.
Anti-Bullying Policy 2023 - 2024
Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy
Information for Parent and Carers - Bullying
Our News
Make a Noise about Bullying
By 5S
Messages are simple, ours is crystal clear,
Actions are choices, to have no fear.
Kindness costs nothing, it is totally free
Everyone should be caring, don't you agree.
A world full of peace, is a world without war
Never be a bully, always follow the law.
Odd socks day in school, is what we do!
I would like to be a member of the Anti-Bullying Crew
So if you ever see it with girls or boys
Everyone shout up and make a noise!
Say No to Bullying Monday 13th to Friday 17th November, 2023
Theme - Make a Noise
This year, Anti-Bullying week runs from MONDAY 13th to FRIDAY 17th NOVEMBER and this year’s theme is
‘Make a Noise!’.
We will be planning lots of activities for the children to take part in to encourage them to choose to take care of others and to show how everyone at St George’s is united against bullying!
Our anti-bullying focus will start on MONDAY 13th November with ODD SOCKS DAY and it will end on FRIDAY 17th NOVEMBER with FRIENDSHIP FRIDAY!!!
Anti-Bullying week 2023 - St George's makes a noise about bullying!
This week has seen the school come together from Nursery to Year 6 to focus on on saying no to bullying at St George's. This year's theme was "Make a noise about Bullying!"
As a school we have been learning about how we can express our feelings, develop ways in which we can be kind to others, we have also been exploring bullying and what we can do if we see or experience bullying.
Nursery explored friendship by making friendship poems and making a friendship quilt.
Reception have shared how we can be kind with each other and have decorated some kindness socks to show all of the ways we can try to be kind to people.
Year 1 have made an Antibullying tree. Each child wrote on a lead how they would stop bullying in school.
Year 2 have spoken about who we could talk to if we were feeling bullied and have explored the themes of not belonging, loneliness and being different through the story of 'Something Else' by Kathryn Cave.
Years 3 and 4 have used the story of 'Willy the Wimp' by Anthony Browne to explore anti-bullying.
Years 5 and 6 have taken this year's theme 'Make a Noise ' to write their own ant-nullying poems.
Year 6 have developed their own leaflets to support children at St George's.
Odd Sock Day
Children and adults are invited to come to school dressed in odd socks. The crazier the better. Odd Sock Day provides an opportunity to have fun, and spread awareness and to think about how bullying affects us, what to do if you're worried about bullying and why it's important that we are all unique.
We looking forward sharing with you the activities that we have planned this week, so watch this space!
Odd Sock Day - Monday 13th October, 2023
Don’t forget St George’s Church of England Academy will be participating in Odd Socks Day!
Odd Socks Day is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week and will take place on Monday 13 November.
Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks (along with the usual school uniform please!) It would be great if your odd socks were weird, colourful and crazy. We look forward to seeing your quirky combinations.
Here are some interesting socks facts to keep you going until Odd Sock Day.
1. Sock origins 'Sock' comes from the Latin word 'soccus' which means a loose-fitting slipper that was worn by Roman comic actors.
2. Socks and clocks The design on the ankle or side of the sock is called a clock.
3. The power of silk stockings Silk stockings were a fashion statement among noblemen and royalty that designated their status in society.
4. Sleeping with a pair Wearing a pair of warm and fluffy socks to bed encourages healthy blood flow and improves the quality of sleep.
5. There’s a sock city Datang in east China is called 'Sock City' because it's known as the world's top sock producing region.
To find out more about the Anti-Bullying Alliance please follow the link –
Photos from Odd Sock Day
Children across the school from Nursery to Year 6 proudly wore their odd socks today. This was to celebrate the start of work around the theme of Anti-Bullying. The message from the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) this year has helped us to celebrate how we are all unique and that it is important to spread kindness. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same and our amazing sock combos have proved how interesting we are all are. A very big thank you to everyone for wearing your odd socks and making Odd Sock a roaring success and a brilliant start to Anti-Bullying Week. Please find a few photos taken from today's event.
Black History Month - October 2023
During the month of October we are celebrating Black History Month.
This year 2023, the 36th Black History Month in the UK will be celebrated - the first was in 1987.
Black History Month is a way to celebrate and recognise the contribution of Black people to British society. Black History Month in the UK celebrates the History, Arts and Culture of Black British people.
Everyone can participate in Black History Month by championing, and celebrating diversity and embracing its theme through demonstrating inclusivity and challenging bad behaviours.
Each year group, apart from EYFS, will be focusing on an individual who changed perceptions, stereotypes, pushed boundaries and gave hope for future generations through their artwork
Early years will be focusing on Alma Thomas
Key Stage 1 will be focusing on the story of Belle, the last mule at Gee's Bend and will be recreating the quilt from the story.
Year 3 - 4 will be looking at the story Tar Beach and focusing on the artwork of Faith Ringgold.
Year 6 will be focusing on the story of the windrush generation through Floella Benjamin and Benjamin Zephaniah.
Black History Month in Pictures 2023
Whilst Black History is celebrated year round at St George's. we also celebrate it annually in the month of October. During this month, we recognise and value inspirational individuals and events that have shaped history. We remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who have contributed and helped our society today. This year we have focused on the work and impact that famous Black artists have had.
Early Years
During Black History Month, early years have used the work of Alma Thomas as a starting point. They have read the story "Alma's Art" by Roda Ahmed. Alma was a little known African American Artist who made her national debut at the age of 80. She used vertical lines, horizontal lines, and simple shapes in all different colours to create her artwork. Her artwork couldn't have fitted in better as in early years as they are exploring the pre-writing patterns and now they can celebrate all different colours just like Alma.
Years 1 and 2
Years 1 and 2 have taken inspiration from the "The Quilters of Gee's Band" and the work of British Textile Artist, Althea McNish to produce their own sections of a collaborative quilt. Year 1 collaged colourful strips of paper while Year 2 used wax crayons and water colour for a resist effect.
Years 3, 4 and 5
These year groups have been focusing on the artwork of Faith Ringgold as part of Black History Month. They have been inspired by the illustrations that Faith drew in her book "Tar Beach". It is the story of Cassie, who had a dream to be free to do whatever she wants. As part of this dream, she flies high over the George Washington Bridge.
Year 3 have worked together to create a collaborative quilt to recreate the image of Cassie flying over the bridge. Whilst Year 5 have recreated the image using pastels.
Year 4 have also explored the life of Rosa Parks and the impact she has had on the civil rights movements. They have created some lovely fact files about her life and the impact she had.
Year 6
This year group have looked a Floella Benjamin "Coming to England" and Benjamin Zephaniah's "We Sang Across the Sea" to discuss what life was like for the Windrush Generation and the prejudice they faced.
They made connections with the prejudice faced by the Jewish people during World War 2 which links with their current history topic.
The children then created fact files about Windrush and created some Windrush art inspired by Darlington's recent 75 years celebration at the Arthur Wharton Foundation.