{SECTION_MENU} SEND provision at St George's
SEND at St George's
"Pupils with SEND are supported well in school. Leaders have brought about a shared vision for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to experience a high-quality education." Ofsted, 2023
At St George’s Church of England Academy we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. We are fully committed to meeting the needs of those pupils with Special Educational Needs so far as is reasonable and compatible with the education of all pupils.
Children may have special educational needs either throughout their education, whilst others may experience a barrier for a shorter period of time. By working with parents, pupils and staff, we aim to provide the best possible learning environment for all children, including those with SEND.
If you are concerned that your child might have a particular difficulty at school, in the first instance you should speak to the class teacher. You can also speak directly to Mrs Cox (KS2 SENDCo) and Mrs Gent (EYFS and KS1 SENDCo) – Telephone 01325 332230 | Email DSGAdmin@stgeorges-darlington.co.uk
Please find St George's important SEND documents below:
The School’s SEND Information Report is a valuable source of information for parents in relation to SEND. This report details our ethos, processes, curriculum accessibility and provision for SEND, including who to contact if you have a question, query or complaint. Of course, our door is always open – so please speak with us if you ever need to:
Schools are only part of the ‘Local Offer’ that local areas must provide for children with SEND needs. Follow the link below to see how Darlington are coordinating this offer, the services they provide and information to support families across the region:
Administration of Medication
Please see our Administration of Medication policy if your child requires any prescribed medication/ emergency medication whilst at school.
Administration of Medication Policy 23-24
As often as we can, we aim to share important news and upcoming events with our SEND families to ensure that they have access to the community along with a strong support network - please follow our news updates below:
Please find attached our SEND Newsletters
Welcome back to St George's after the six weeks' holiday. We hope that you have all had a lovely time off and are ready for back to school fun!
With that in mind we wanted to give the dates for our four-weekly SEND drop-ins this year:
Academic Year 2024-2025
This year we will be welcomed by Jade Sloan, our Parent Carer Forum rep, as well as SENDIASS
Tuesday 17th September - 0-19 Growing Healthy Team
Tuesday 15th October - Laura Pickering MHST delivering Anxiety and CBT/ SENDIASS
Tuesday 12th November - Paula Stinson - Darlington Carer's
Tuesday 10th December
Tuesday 7th January - Early Years' Inclusion - Angela Bradley
Tuesday 4th February - Self regulation with Anne Davison
Tuesday 4th March
Tuesday 1st April
Tuesday 29th April
Tuesday 3rd June - Transition meeting with MHST and Hurworth SENDCo
Tuesday 1st July
This is an opportunity for parents to meet with a representative from Darlington’s parent career forum and school SENCOs. They are there to signpost and support where they can. This is a positive opportunity to our parents to meet and network with each other. Where we can, we try to organise outside professionals to come along and meet families and share what their service offers.
These four weekly mornings are for parents who have children with additional needs or for parents who may have concerns that their child has additional needs.