Welcome to our class page!
Just one more sleep to go until our exciting learning journey in RG will begin… We are so looking forward to welcoming you all and getting to know you!
The team will welcome the children into school from 8:45am on Wednesday 4th September. For the first few days you are welcome to come and drop your child off at the classroom door then from the following Monday (9th) staff members will meet your child at the blue gates.
For the first couple of weeks we will be getting to know your child. The best way to do that is to play together, spend time talking and interacting. This will set the foundations that we will continue to build upon and introduce our Literacy and Mathematics learning programmes.
Please can I request that a set of wellies that we can keep in school on our class trolley. Towards the end of the week we should see some warmer weather which will be nice. Looks like you may need a sun hat/glasses for this! Please could I request that sun cream is applied before school and kept in your child’s bag.
If your child has a medical need please ensure that all of their medication is dropped into school office on Wednesday morning.
The team will be taking some photographs of our first days together to share with you. We can do this once all permissions are sought - so when I get the go ahead from admin I will share them with you.
We do like to be as paperless as possible, but please do look out for a few letters that will be placed inside your child’s bag this week which detail our curriculum plans, homework, reading book and record.
I hope that everyone is as excited as our Early Years team are.
Enjoy your last day tomorrow and we will see you Wednesday!
With best wishes,
Miss Williamson 😊
We all loved our Maths lesson today, digging for buried treasure in the sand: counting, comparing, describing, feeling, printing and making patterns with the treasure we found.
RG have completed some observational pictures of butterflies using oil pastels. We looked carefully at the colours we could see and tried hard to make sure our butterfly wings were symmetrical. They have turned out beautifully 🦋
In Maths this week, RG have created tangrams by manipulating and rotating shapes. In groups, the children also found different ways of filling a 6x6 square using number shapes.
We have discussed how to look after ourselves by eating a balanced diet. We used the Eat Well plate to talk about different food groups and decide which foods were healthy and which were unhealthy.
Today we learnt about different parts of a plant and the jobs those parts have. I wonder if the children can remember what the anther holds and attracts.
We created a diagram using the flower parts and using our literacy skills labelled them. 🌷
Today, RG practised innovating a story using the familiar ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ All the children were keen to tell their version, using a variety of fruits, and a few pairs presented their version of the story to the rest of the class 🐛🍉🍌🍍.
We had some new arrivals this week and the children have promised to look after them very carefully. RG have studied the very hungry caterpillars with magnifying glasses and witnessed lots of growth already. Everyone enjoyed completing 'a life cycle of the butterfly' in our books.
In Maths we have been learning 'How Many Now?' and we have played games outside using bean bags and hoops to show how many if we add and how many if we takeaway.
RG have been talking about St George and why we celebrate St George’s day. We enjoyed the story and re-enacted it using costumes. Then we employed our scissor skills to cut out knights and dragons and used split pins so that we could make moveable figures.
Spring 2024
This morning RG made Easter nests to taste. They enjoyed it so much that a few had a cheeky taste of the chocolate cornflakes as we were making them! 🍫🐣
Here is some of the lovely artwork by RG, inspired by the artist Henri Rousseau. We looked at his paintings of floral arrangements and made our own Spring bouquet paintings, using the same bold colours and looking at the different shapes of the flowers in class 💐🎨.
RG loved their first yoga session in the hall. Our practice in the classroom has paid off. The children listened really well and demonstrated good core strength while adopting the poses and stretches to a story about the Easter bunny.
As part of British Science Week, RG have shared books, watched a video of a bean growing, then begun to grow our own broad beans in the classroom. The sun is shining and the children soaked paper towels, so we're hoping we see some results soon! If these beans were growing outdoors, there would be no shortage of water at the moment ☔️☔️☔️ .
This week we loved making clay pigs from air dry clay. We manipulated the clay in lots of different ways and made pigs of many shapes and sizes. The children described their pigs to each other.
We continued our efforts with our sentence dictation in SoundsWrite. In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and made a lovey class reference book after going on a shape hunt in the classroom.
Today we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up in costumes of our favourite characters or pajamas. Everyone made a great effort! We began the day with yoga through a story of Stezzi the Parrot as excitement levels were high!
We shared our books and spoke about why these were our favourite stories then we had a special visit from Y6 children who read to us.
On the afternoon, we painted lovely pictures of Beatrice Potter characters from The Tales of Peter Rabbit which are displayed in the classroom.
We have had a very busy week with lots of work on building 9 and 10, introducing digraphs (2 letters, one sound) sh and ch, learning about palm Sunday, World Book day and practising our Talk4Writing story of The Three Little Pigs.
7.3.24 World Book Day
Today was World Book Day and the children dressed up as their favourite characters. We shared many stories and talked about why some were our favourites. We even had a visit from some Year 6 children who told us stories and talked about why they enjoy reading. The children painted watercolour pictures of the characters from Beatrix Potter stories of Peter Rabbit. This was also in celebration of International Women's Day on the 8th March.
This week, we had not 1 but 2 authors visit us to share their stories.
This week in Maths, we drew our own worms and compared their lengths using Mathematical language. We also measured ourselves using a class height chart and discussed about who is taller, tallest, short and shortest.
This week, RG extended their Maths knowledge by developing their understanding of 6, 7 and 8.
We enjoyed learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year and the traditions that surround it, including the Zodiac story, the colour red, lanterns and fireworks and red envelopes. The children created dragon puppets, made greetings cards and sampled prawn crackers with soy sauce.
RG have been developing their fine motor skills and this is evident in their sentence writing. They are applying their phonics knowledge to help them write the words.
In R.E we listened to the story of Jonah and the Whale and the children provided good examples of when they have moaned and reflected on times they needed to apologise.
RG's work in Sounds-Write this week has included CVCC words.
In Maths we have discussed and explored mass and capacity. The children enjoyed estimating how many objects / much liquid could fit in various containers, mostly at the water table.
During this week we completed our Winter-themed pictures, inspired by Monet's Magpie, using oil pastels and paints.
The children have taken a keen interest in the story David and Goliath during R.E this week and we acted the story out, using props and dressing up. This helped us think of times when we need to be brave and show courage and the children came up with some great suggestions.
In Phonics we have learnt that two letters can make one sound and the children have applied this to their word reading. Some children have written their sentences independently this week. Fantastic work!
Our first P.E lesson in the hall was very exciting for the children and they did well getting changed with very little support (buttons always cause problems!). We practiced our balancing skills and attempted a mini obstacle course.
The children have really enjoyed helping to build sentences during Phonics this week and we are so proud of their writing attempts. Superstars!
During Maths we have been building our knowledge of 0-5 and the composition of those numbers. Number formation is often tricky and some numbers are reversed, so we will practice these. Well done for a lovely first full week back RG!
It is lovely to be back in the classroom with the children and they have settled back into school routine so well. They have shared their experiences of the Christmas break with each other. We practised getting undressed and dressed in preparation for our first P.E lesson in the hall next week. The children have really enjoyed taking part in our music lesson based on traditional tales and got back into the practice of our Phonics and Maths lessons.
Autumn Term 2023
Homework Autumn 2
Another lovely week has flown by in RG. The children continue to impress me with their efforts during phonics and maths. Some have made more space-related models. we have practised counting and subitising 1-5 (including 1 more and 1 less), taken pizza orders and made pizzas in the 'pizza parlour', enjoyed lots of stories as usual and watched an astronaut in space brushing their teeth.
Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Sock Day.
We read 'Monty the Manatee' as part of our work on 'Say yes to Friendship!' We discussed the importance of kindness and the many different ways we could be kind to one another. The children showed good understanding and came up some really great ideas!
Today we marked Remembrance Day. We talked about the people who helped us and all of the brave soldiers and why we use the poppy to say 'We remember'. Here are the wonderful pictures the children enjoyed creating using a range of materials.
This week we have learnt about the Hindu festival of Divali. We discovered how Hindus prepare for, and celebrate this festival. We learnt a dance, created bright, sparkly Diva lamps, watched fireworks and listened to music.
Darlington Library Visit.
This afternoon, RG had a special visitor from Darlington Library. The children in RG enjoyed sharing the story 'A Shark in the Park', as well as enjoying some nursery rhyme games with a parachute.
Our visitor let us know that we can join the library for free. There are lots and lots of books available and we can get a card that lets us take out 15 books at a time. These can be kept for up to 3 weeks.
Here is a snippet of some of the wonderful learning that’s taken place this week!
After sharing the story ‘The Lion Inside’ the children spoke ideas about times they had been brave and showed courage.
We’re so creative in RG and have made some wonderful models (including the Burj Khalifa).
We’ve found and created our own patterns and have begun developing our sequencing skills using a story map of The Little Red Hen.
This week we have lots of great learning take place. We are doing well with our phonics and Maths, we celebrated World Animal Day and we have baked bread following The Little Red Hen's recipe. This event was much anticipated!
'Who will help me bake the bread?'
'I WILL!' 🐔
We discovered how wheat is planted, harvested, milled into flour then used as an ingredient to make bread.
We mixed flour, water, yeast, salt and sugar together, noticing the different consistencies. Kneading the dough was great for building muscles in our hands and arms. Then we separated the dough to make bread buns before placing them in the oven.
The children enjoyed a taste of 'their' bread (which looked remarkably like buns from the supermarket!) and some said it was the best bread they had tasted.
This week we have retold the story of Rosie's Walk using our positional language. We have been really impressed with the children's efforts. They may be able to tell you what happened to the fox...
The Little Red Hen 🐔
Here are our Little Red Hens! We are very creative. We looked at hen pictures to help us create our individual designs.
We have been orally retelling the story this week with lots of accompanying actions too. We really enjoy this activity!
Week 2!!
What a busy and fantastic first full week we have had together!
Our priorities this week were to…
🌟continue making new friends
🌟trying new dinners
🌟playing and sharing together
🌟listening to lots of stories
🌟painting our self portraits
🌟writing and ordering the letters in our names
Welcome to RG!
Is your bag ready? Uniform ready? Shoes ready? Then so are we.
We are looking forward to our first day in Reception and cannot wait to welcome you all.
Please bear with the team whilst we collate all the permission information required to share photos of our first few days. We will be sending information in paper form in the meantime, so please keep an eye out for letters that will be inside your child's bag this week!
We cannot wait to share this exciting learning journey that we have in store!