World Mental Health Day
Celebrating World Mental Health Day 2022 at St George's
The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day the 10th October.
The theme of this year’s World Mental Day is set by the World Federation of Mental Health and is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.
World Mental Health Day is also a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.
At St. George’s Church of England Academy, we will exploring the story ‘Bottled’ by Tom and Joe Brassington.
“This is a bottle!
You will have seen bottles before.
What are you bottling up?
Maybe now’s the time to explore.”
Bottled is a beginning. It is the start of a wider dialogue and a catalyst for classroom conversation. Within these conversations children can begin to explore their emotions in an honest, safe space. It is designed to facilitate six classroom conversations – naming emotions, describing emotions, bottling emotions, sharing emotions, supporting others and creating emotionally honest spaces. Each key stage will focus on a different conversation this book raises. Early Years will be exploring the names of different emotions and Key Stage 1 will explore describing emotions. Years 3 and 4 will explore bottling and sharing emotions and Years 5 and 6 will exploring the the themes of supporting others and looking at creating emotionally honest spaces.
Here are some photos capturing the children's learning today.
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Lower Key Stage 2
Upper Key Stage 2
World Mental Health Day - October 2023
We recognise that ensuring the wellbeing of our children at St George's is crucial for their academic success and personal growth. Across our school, staff understand that by supporting pupils' mental health, we are investing in their long-term happiness and equipping them with the skills they need to face life's challenges. As such we decided to focus on themes of bravery and courage which helps to launch one of our schools values.
We hope you enjoy looking through the learning that has taken place on this day.
Nursery have been inspired by the story of "Bravery Soup" by Maryann-Cocoa Leffler. They enjoyed creating their own Bravery Soup recipes and making it , They ended the day by going on their own Bravery Quest just like the animals in the story.
In celebration of World Mental Health Day the focus was COURAGE. In reception they shared the story "The Lion Inside" By Rachel Bright. The Reception classes talked about how the mouse in the story found his brave inside before looking at times that they had been brave themselves. They had some wonderful brave stories and created their own courageous lions with these stories.
Key Stage 1
Year 1
Year One have used the story "The Lion Inside" to promote good mental health as well as exploring the theme of courage and bravery. IG made puppets and acted out the story to their friends while 1S made some lovely comic strips.
Year 2
Year 2 used the story "The Lion Inside" to explore what their worries are and how they can find their courage, be brave and be the lion inside.
Lower Key Stage 2
Year 3
Year 3 have re-recreated the poem "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" by Maya Angelou by using their own idea of things they weren't scared or afraid of.
Year 4
Year 4 have also focused on the story "Life Doesn't Frighten Me." They thought really hard about their worries and what makes them happy. They have then used these ideas to help create their own poems.
Upper Key Stage 2
Year 5
Have been inspired by the artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat from the poem "Life Doesn't Frighten Me." They have careful considered they worries and then ranked them in order before drawing one of their worries in the style of the illustrator.
Year 6
Have talked about mental health this week - what it is and what they have learnt during "We eat elephants" regarding how they can keep their mental health in a positive place.
They read the book "Life Doesn't Frighten Me" and then discussed their fears and the children shared their own fears. They completed some blackout poetry with a mental health focus.
St George's through our school website, Class Dojo and or Mental Health Display, we encourage our parents and carers to engage in discussions about mental health with their children. By fostering an open dialogue at home , you can further support a child's emotional well-being and help breakdown any barriers or misconceptions they may have.
You can find some good advice and support at ITV Britain Get Talking Campaign.
Further Support and information can be found below:
Hub of Hope
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential and anonymous text service. You can text wherever you are in the uk.
Samaritans - whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. 24 hours, 365 days a year - 116 123.
Young Minds. Whether you want to understand more about how you are feeling and find ways to feel better, or what to support someone who is struggling - contact